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L'article parle de l'utilisation des plumes dans le massage tantrique et de leur signification spirituelle. Il explique également que l'utilisation de plumes dans un massage n'a rien à voir avec l'orientation sexuelle. L'article est écrit en catalan et parle d'un massothérapeute masculin à Barcelone qui propose des massages gais.

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Shank Prakshalana o Varisara és un mètode molt efectiu de neteja intestinal amb aigua i sal, que és un exercici fonamental en la pràctica iòguica. Aquesta pràctica ajuda a eliminar les toxines dels intestins, evitant un gran nombre de malalties i accelerant el procés d’envelliment. Aquest article també destaca la importància de mantenir els intestins nets per prevenir malalties com el càncer i altres malalties relacionades amb l’autointoxicació intestinal.

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Learn about the main characteristics needed to become a male tantric masseur, including knowledge of basic massage techniques, erotic massage, and tantric massage. It is important to practice on friends and family before offering professional services and to deepen your own personal evolution. Tantra courses and tantric massage can also aid in the process.

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Learn how to cure female anorgasmy with tantric massage. This article explains what female anorgasmy is, the five different types of anorgasmy, and how tantra can help. Through tantric massage, meditation, and breathing, you can unblock what prevents you from reaching orgasm. Tantra for women works on the causes of female anorgasmy and is a personal liberation that encompasses your whole being.

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This article explores the origins and rituals of Linga worship in the tantric tradition, as well as the benefits and techniques of Lingam massage for men. It tells the story of the Lingam myth and how it relates to the masculine energy of Shiva. The article also provides information on upcoming tantric workshops in Barcelona, London, and Madrid.

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Experience the pleasure of an erotic massage for women in Barcelona. Our male masseur uses tantric techniques combined with sensuality and eroticism to provide a relaxing massage, body to body massage, Kamasutra postures, Yoni massage, G-spot massage, and more. We also offer tantric sex in Madrid and tantra courses in Barcelona. Our sensitive massage is fine-tuned to meet your needs and help you become aware of your sexuality and inner world better. Join our erotic massage workshops in London or other advanced tantric rituals for couples or individuals.

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Discover the benefits of erotic massage for women, including the ability to feel pleasure, sensitivity, and sexual satisfaction. Learn about yoni massage and squirting massage, and how a sensitive massage stimulates the entire body. Find out why sex education or coaching is necessary for female sexuality and how Tantra can help with sexual healing and multiple orgasms.

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Experience the pleasure of erotic massage for women in Barcelona and London with a male masseur. The massage uses tantric techniques combined with sensuality and eroticism, including body to body massage, yoni massage, and female ejaculation. The aim is to help women become aware of their sexuality and know their inner world better. You can also take part in erotic massage workshops and tantric rituals.

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0 44

En este artículo se describen los principales puntos a tener en cuenta para ser un masajista masculino tántrico en Barcelona y Madrid. Se recomienda tener conocimientos de masaje básico, practicar con amistades y conocidos antes de ofrecer masaje tántrico profesional y terapia de sanación sexual, profundizar en el propio proceso de evolución personal y liberarse de miedos y bloqueos sexuales, y realizar cursos de Tantra y talleres de masaje tántrico para obtener distintas perspectivas de la terapia tántrica.

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This page offers information about tantric yoni massage for women in London, Barcelona, and Madrid. The goal of the massage is not pleasure or orgasm, but rather sexual healing. The therapy is combined with other tantric practices such as meditation and yoga. The page also discusses the importance of trust between the therapist and patient. Advanced rituals are recommended to be done with a Tantric Master. The page also provides information about the five makaras and their importance during the massage. The Yoni and the Lingam are the body's most important reflex areas. The page also offers information about Tantric Sex Madrid and Tantric Massage Course Barcelona.

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